Unlock a new level of success with the ProPoint Group, platforms that redefine affiliate marketing

We empower businesses like you by connecting them with a diverse network of partners, including tech experts, influencers, and content creators. Combined with the seamless integration of advanced technologies, these partnerships will drive traffic to your store, convert shoppers into buyers and encourage repeat business. With a track record of over 20 years and a global presence, ProPoint and it’s parent affiliate marketing platform ProPoint are your trusted partner for success.

Exciting news! Starting in March 2025, all new ProPoint customers will be launching exclusively on the ProPoint platform. Additionally, all active ProPoint customers will be upgrading to ProPoint starting in Q2. While you are welcome to continue to proceed with a ProPoint merchant program at this time, we wanted to make sure you had all the available resources and options for frictionless long-term success in the affiliate channel.

Pricing for ProPoint merchants

Joining fee

$625 Sign up

One-time setup fees

Every merchant must pay a one-time, non-refundable joining fee of $625 that occurs only after all setup steps have been completed, and prior to final activation on the network. We also require a $125 minimum deposit. This deposit goes directly into your account and is used to pay the affiliates for sales and other qualified leads that you’ve defined for your program.

Monthly platform fee

$35 Sign up

Recurring access fees

In addition to ProPoint’s setup fees, every merchant is charged a recurring tracking fee and monthly platform fee. The tracking fee occurs when a qualified transaction is generated. This fee is equal to 20% of the commission amount (set by you) that is paid out to the affiliate and is calculated for each transaction.

As well as the 20% tracking fee, ProPoint charges a $35 recurring monthly platform fee for access to the network. This fee will begin one month after the date in which your program went live on ProPoint, and you will continue to be billed for the monthly platform fee on that date. For example, if your merchant program was launched on January 1, your monthly platform fee would then continue to be billed on the 1st of every month moving forward.